
Vaporizer Ordering

Q: Do you handle international orders?

A: Yes and no! If your country is accepted in our shopping cart, we are set up to ship there. We ship to countries where US Postal Service can guarantee delivery to your door. 

If your country is not allowed by the shopping cart, we cannot guarantee delivery. If you are OK with bearing the moderate risk that the package is lost, you may request a manual order We will do our best to send it reliably. Contact us to make the order.  

Shipping charges will be calculated separately for each transaction.

Allowance for high risk countries: Several countries don't allow us to track packages to the destination or guarantee delivery. If our website denies an order to your country, please let us know so we can make sure it still should be disallowed by our system. For a limited number of exceptions including Mexico and Vietnam, we charge a "high risk" fee that guarantees we will try at least twice to get your package to you. If your package does not deliver within the normal delivery window we will try send another one. If you don't mind taking responsibility for possible loss, we'll try our best to get the product to you.

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